Generating and Interpreting Gauge Reports


The reporting functionality of MyRAINge Log is based on the Latitude/Longitude of your gauge. Even if you haven’t entered any observations for the gauge, you can still run a report to uncover meaningful historical data about that Latitude/Longitude.

Perform the following steps to generate a report of the current status of a Gauge:

  1. Navigate to a detail page of a gauge:
    • From the member menu click Gauges, underneath the “My Gauges” sections click on a gauge.
  2. When on the Gauge Detail page, scroll down to “Rainfall Chart” section and click on “Generate Report”

The first time a report is generated, it could take up to 30 seconds. If the generation of the report runs into any issues, you will be presented with an option to “Try Again”. Here is a top-down list of the features on the report:

  1. Print: this triggers the print dialogue native to the browser in use. From that dialogue, you typically are able to also “Save as PDF” or “Open in PDF Viewer”.
  2. Date Range: set your From and To values. This date range cannot be longer than 365 days apart.
  3. Rainfall Chart: visual comparison of the cumulative values of your rain gauge to historical and estimated rainfall.
    • Use the drop down in the top right of this section to determine what data will be fetched against the date range.
      • If “All data” or “Only my gauge data” is selected, the Chart’s Time Scale (X-Axis) will not precede the date of the first observation made on this gauge, regardless of the value set in the Date Range.
  4. Observation Log Data Table: a row/column, sortable, representation of your gauge data, compared to the raw “Historical Quantile Data”. Feel free to select all this content with your mouse and copy/paste directly into a spreadsheet based application.