Change Email/ Username
If you are logged in, go to your account page by clicking Account from the member menu. Scroll towards the middle of the account page to find the “Update Email” section.
- Enter your new email address, replacing your old email
IMPORTANT: If you leave your browser session you will only be able to access your account using the email sent to this new email address, so you will not be able to sign in to your account until you confirm this new email, so please make sure the new email is correct and you can access it.
- You will be asked to confirm that you understand the process, and that you are ready to continue
- You will be redirected to a form that requires a Verification Code (your password will be required if you refresh the page or click the link from the email)
- You will be sent an email containing a the Verification Code needed for the form mentioned above.
- Complete the form. Upon success you will be redirected to the Account page, with confirmation of the email change