Add Gauge


While on your Dashboard (which can be accessed by clicking on Gauges in the member menu), click on the “Add Gauge” button within the My Gauges section (or simply click here). You will be taken to a form to add a new gauge. From top to bottom, here is a brief explanation of each field:

  1. Add Photo: clicking this button will trigger the browser dialog to upload a photo
    • Only accepts jpg, png and gif
    • 3MB max file size
  2. Map: use this map to drop a pin of the exact location of your gauge. This will auto fill the Latitude/Longitude fields
    • Find My Location: uses the browser’s location API to determine your location. This will automatically drop a pin at your location if the service is enabled.
    • I’ll Find It Myself: double click on the map to drop a pin, which then becomes draggable.
  3. Latitude/Longitude: auto populated when dropping a pin on the map, but you can also manually input these values.
  4. Gauge Name: give your gauge a descriptive name.
  5. Description: describe the location of your gauge that might help a future collaborator.
  6. Preferences:
    • Public: a feature that is currently in beta, check this if you’d like to opt in. (see "What does it mean when I "opt in" for the Public feature")
    • Units: what measurement type will your be entering your readings in.

That’s it! Upon success, you can then immediately add your first observation from the success screen by clicking on “Add Observation”.